Самый сладкий и вкусный десерт. Ничего подобного вы и ваши клиенты точно не пробовали!

Узнайте все секреты приготовления нового ХИТА на кулинарном рынке. Увеличьте свой доход и станьте первым в своем регионе!
Рецепт зефира для покрытия пирожных.
Моя обратная связь. Я всегда помогаю своим ученикам. Если возникнут трудности, я буду рядом!
Хранение и заморозка.
Создание более 54 видов забавных фигурок животных.

Видеоуроки с подробными инструкциями по приготовлению выпечки.
От формирования теста до покрытия и украшения Маршболов.
Коллекция Маршболов с тематикой Хэллоуина, Нового года и Пасхи.
Four types of fillings for pastries:
Coconut filling
Rich biscuit on egg yolks + unique author's coconut cream based on custard and white chocolate
traditional sponge cake + chocolate cream
Classic filling
creamy sponge cake + white chocolate-based cream
chocolate sponge cake + ganache cream + liquid toffee center
Chocolate Toffee
Free addition to the course

Bonus lesson: Popsicle cakes with marshmallows
What's included in the add-on?
New filling
"Coconut Cloud"
▪️ Original recipe for an incredible "Rafaello" cream
▪️ Recipe for a biscuit on yolks
Video lessons
▪️ Forming blanks and preparing eskimos for coating
▪️ Even coating of Eskimo marshmallows
▪️ Detailed video lessons on piping designs. Just 14 types of eskimos
Look at these cool and adorable cake sets that you'll be able to assemble after learning
A dessert that sells itself thanks to its adorable appearance!
A dessert that is unparalleled in taste. Inside, there's a filling of soft sponge cake and cream, topped with a delicate layer of marshmallow. What could be more delicious?
The course consists of detailed video lessons and text files. Access to the course is granted in your personal account on the online school's platform. Access is provided immediately after payment to your email.
Collection of courses
All inclusive
Max sale
"Marshmallow figures"
Recipe and video lessons for marshmallow figures